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"Hey there, fam! I'm all about them eggplants, you feel me? They're tastier than a moon pie on a rocket to the moon, and their shape is like the epitome of perfect veggie vibes. I mean, seriously, I put those eggplants in my mouth and just slurp up the juicy goodness like it's the tastiest crypto ever! And let's talk about my homies, Hasbulla and Kirby. Hasbulla, my dude, he's as authentic as a rare Pepe, and the world just doesn't get his vibe. He's on that autist and degenerate level, and honestly, I resonate with that energy. Plus, the man loves them cats, MEUW! 🐱 Now, Kirby, oh man, Kirby knows how to suck, just like I do! Forget PacMan; Kirby's where it's at. I'm all about that suction, especially when it comes to gobbling up them coins, nom nom nom. Who needs PacMan when you got Kirby? Cooler than the frosty side of the blockchain, I tell ya. As for DorkLord, I might've missed the boat, but I'm here to ride that hype wave and make this token even more famous than a viral meme. I mean, why not, right? Now, when it comes to firearms, it's a wild story. I'm getting chased by some Moroccan-Dutch gangster-cocaine-mafia hybrid, and they're all up in my business, making me create memecoins to pay off my debts. It's like a meme heist in real life, Yelp! So, fam, help me make this coin moon like never before, even though I'm so based I forgot how to hit the sell button. Let's go to the moon and beyond, and may the tendies rain down on us all! 🚀🍆💰💥😂"

CA : 0xA5Ad577A89D5ca8C66d13205e54B2F7a2Aa28113

play the video man



TOTAL SUPPLY : 10000000


2%/2% TAXES